Denver Airport (DEN) Passenger and Flight Statistics Q1, 2023

New Q1 Passenger Number Record Set at Denver Airport – Up 19% Year on Year

New Q1 Passenger Number Record Set at Denver Airport – Up 19% YoY and surpassed the pre-pandemic Q1 figures by 15%. Denver Airport appears to have bounced back from the impact of the pandemic, with both year-on-year and pre-pandemic comparisons showing positive trends.

Denver International Airport in Colorado is the largest airport in Colorado and one of the busiest airports in the United States. It is a hub for several major airlines, including United Airlines and Southwest Airlines. In addition to its impressive size and modern facilities, the airport offers a range of amenities for travelers. These include various dining options, shopping outlets, art exhibits, and even a hotel and conference center within the airport complex.

Comparing Quarter 1 (Q1) Passenger Statistics at Denver Airport

In Q1 2019, Denver Airport recorded a passenger count of 7,292,798. This serves as our baseline figure for comparison. In Q1 2020, the number of passengers decreased to 6,301,526, representing a decline of 13.59% compared to the same quarter in the previous year. This decrease could be attributed to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted global travel.

The following year, Q1 2021, saw an even steeper decline, with passenger numbers falling to 4,619,259, a decrease of 26.70% compared to Q1 2020. This substantial drop is directly related to the continued effects of the pandemic and the various travel restrictions and lockdown measures that were in place during this period.

However, in Q1 2022, there was a significant recovery, with the passenger count rising to 7,055,047. This represents a substantial increase of 52.73% compared to Q1 2021, indicating a rebound in air travel as restrictions eased and people regained confidence in flying.

The most recent data point available is Q1 2023, where the passenger count reached 8,374,873. This represents a further increase of 18.71% compared to the same quarter in the previous year, continuing the upward trend observed since 2022.

Comparing Q1 2019 and Q1 2023, there has been an overall growth of 14.84%, demonstrating a passenger revenue recovery after the slump caused by the pandemic. These statistics highlight the impact of external factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, on air travel and the subsequent recovery as travel restrictions ease.

Passenger and flight statistics for Denver Airport (DEN) comparing Q1, 2023 and the past 4 years and full year flights data
Click to view full screen - Passenger and flight numbers for Denver Airport (DEN) comparing Q1, 2023 and the past 4 years and full year flights data
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Denver Airport Passenger Trends for 2022 and the Past 4 Years

Despite the significant disruption caused by the pandemic in 2020, Denver Airport has shown strong recovery and growth in the subsequent years. The increase in passenger numbers highlights a positive trend and suggests a resurgence in travel demand in recent years.

In 2018, Denver Airport had a total of 31,345,636 passengers. In 2019, the number of passengers increased to 33,575,095, representing a 7.11% growth compared to the previous year.

The following year, 2020, there was a significant decrease in passenger numbers, with only 16,232,150 passengers recorded. This indicates a decline of 51.65% compared to 2019, which can primarily be attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions.

In 2021, there was a substantial recovery in passenger numbers, reaching 28,625,137. This represents a growth rate of 76.35% compared to 2020, as travel restrictions eased and people resumed traveling.

Finally, in 2022, Denver Airport experienced further growth, with 33,746,288 passengers. This indicates an increase of 17.89% compared to the previous year, showcasing a continued rebound in air travel.

Analysis of Flight Statistics and Trends for July 2023

In July 2023, Denver Airport in Colorado, USA, saw many passengers traveling to various destinations. The airport served as a hub for domestic and international flights, offering convenient connections to popular destinations worldwide.

The countries passengers traveled to from Denver Airport were the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, and the United Kingdom. This reflects the diverse range of travelers and their respective destinations.

Among the international destinations, Cancun, Richmond, Toronto, London, and Mexico City stood out as the most frequented locations. Passengers seeking relaxation, adventure, or business opportunities were drawn to these vibrant cities.

On the domestic front, Denver Airport was a popular gateway to major cities within the United States. The top domestic destinations included Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Houston. These cities offered an array of attractions and business opportunities, attracting a high volume of travelers.

Several airlines played a significant role in facilitating these journeys. United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Express, Frontier, and Delta Air Lines were the top carriers operating at Denver Airport in July 2023. These airlines offered many flight options, ensuring travelers had many choices when planning their trips.

Analyzing Passenger Trends: Quarter-to-Quarter Comparison

Denver Airport passenger traffic for Q1 2023 stands out as a particularly strong quarter in passenger numbers.

In Q1 2019, the airport recorded a total of 7,292,798 passengers. Comparing this to Q1 2023, there has been a significant increase, with 8,374,873 passengers recorded. This represents a growth rate of 14.84% between these two quarters.

Q1 2023 also stands out as the highest quarter in passenger numbers, surpassing all previous records. When comparing Q1 2023 with its highest previous quarter, Q1 2019, there is a 14.84% increase. Q1 2019 had 7,292,798 passengers, making Q1 2023 the highest-matching quarter in passenger numbers.

Looking at the lowest previous quarter, Q1 2003, which had 4,050,199 passengers, a substantial increase of 106.78% compared to Q1 2023. Q1 2003 also serves as the lowest matching quarter, with Q1 2023 regarding passenger numbers.

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